Chapter X - Part 1 - Definition of Sustainable, Sustainability and the Environment, As Pertains to Preparedness

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Chapter X - Part 1 - Definition of Sustainable, Sustainability and the Environment, As Pertains to Preparedness

Post by Watchman »

Chapter X - Part 1 – Definition of Sustainable, Sustainability and the Environment, As Pertains to Preparedness
Definition of sustainable:

1 : capable of being sustained : maintained at length without interruption or weakening : lasting, prolonged
2a : of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged sustainable techniques sustainable agriculture
2b : of or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods sustainable society
It is very difficult for some preppers to ‘mouth’ the word sustainable. Those who have the difficulty are hung up with the thought that ‘sustainable’ is a leftist byword to ensnare people into a controlled existence. Nothing could be further from the truth as it pertains to preparedness. All it takes is for someone to use their God-given intelligence to read between the lines of ‘prepping’ and discover it is to sustain life as we know it. We’re not talking about a temporary setback to life as the pandemic did; we’re talking about permanent, extinction-level destruction.

Doomsday preppers have given the term ‘preparedness’ a bad name. The show portrayed average people who suddenly discover that something is not right and they immediately spend thousands of dollars to stock up on food and other essentials for the approaching day of doom, whatever they perceive it to be. That’s it, we’re stocked and I’m prepared for anything that comes my way. Then, on the other hand, there are small numbers or percentages of preppers who think “whoa”, there is something else that we need to address. So this enlightened prepper goes back to the beginning to study the types of disasters that will spell the end of the world – radioactive (nuclear), biological (COVID?), and the worst of all for which there is little defense – an electro-magnetic attack (or naturally-occurring from our neighborhood star the Sun.) Any way you look at it, we will be in a world of [Wash My Mouth] whatever happens.

How long will your stockpiled food, water, and defensive equipment last? Have you carefully mapped that out and made a plan (sustainability) to replace it when your resources are depleted. Are you prepared to garden your food needs? Do you have an un-ending supply of water to drink? When those who are without supplies find out that you have supplies, they are going to want yours and will kill you for them. Of course you have already planned a garden big enough to sustain you through the winter? You haven’t? What are you going to do when your food runs out? Or, if you are fortunate enough that you had a good harvest, did you save the seeds from the plants for next year’s garden? What? You did not buy open-pollinated seeds but one-time, one-use seeds thoughtfully provided by the masters of the globe (and at a fair price). You’re dead!

How about your child’s asthma inhalers or your spouse’s insulin? Did you accumulate a year or two supplies of these life-saving medications? Do you have a non-electric method to keep the insulin cool? No? You and your family are dead. Remember, the EMP event destroyed all electronic equipment including your refrigerator. You won’t be able to call the pharmacy for refills – they’ve been looted and destroyed. Walmart is gone, Kroger’s is gone, Safeway is gone. Oh, you will call your government to help. Not. They’ve all been evacuated to a “members only” retreat where their needs are taken care of – not yours. You’re dead. We won’t get into asthma inhalers for your children. No real God-fearing human being is going to want to watch a child suffer. Deal with it as you must if you didn’t plan for it.

Automobiles don’t run, airplanes don’t fly, trains are long gone. Meanwhile on the home front, rivers are drying up, volcanoes are erupting, glaciers and snowpacks are melting, ocean currents are grinding to a halt, coastal cities are being flooded by sea-level rise. Everything is happening at once and there is no defense against the death of our green oasis in space.

Some of the dumb-asses who call themselves citizens don’t have the slightest idea how to insure long-term survival. For long-term survival to work, we have to go back in time and stop the rape of planet Earth. An impossibility, right? Right! But, just for the sake of argument, it matters not a whit how our earthly home got this way – was it man-caused or natural? It matters not! The results will be the same – ELE (Extinction Level Event) will be upon us and survivors will die off one by one from the poison in our air, in our water, or being hunted down for food by those who are stronger. Eventually all will be lost because we suffer now from a lack or knowledge and a sense of responsibility.

In our present-day civilization we have no means of doing anything unless we do it individually, one citzen at a time, constantly showing others how to save their asses. A “mass awakening” will not occur because it would destroy the profit motives of those who control the gold (NWO, illuminati, government, and stronger people). We’re dead! Will the “PAYTRIOTS” save you? PAYTRIOT is a derogatory name for someone who sells questionable goods (supplements, a good example) or literature on how to save your bacon. You say you have all the literature you need on your flash drive? Well good for you. It will help you greatly while we still have a functioning power-grid and internet. If they all disappear from an EMP WHAT YOU HAVE IN YOUR HAND IS A PIECE OF PLASTIC AND STEEL.

Get involved. Join a good preparedness forum (this forum: oldest, spam-free, non-commercial – everything is free) where you can exchange ideas. Knowledge will do the trick for most needs. Important 1st step, read something about seed-saving and plan a garden that is based on regenerative (sustainable) growth for seeds for the next harvest. IMMEDIATELY stop doing your part in helping to destroy our home. One person at a time will quickly add up to a crowd of like-minded Patriots (spelled Patriot, not Paytriot). You’ll gain allies, friends, and someone who will have your back in a crisis. Learn how to re-use stuff instead of throwing it in the garbage (sustainable). Learn how to barter for your needs. What are you going to do when your ammunition is gone? You won’t be able to go to the local gun shop – they’ve been looted for use against you.

We could go on forever to fully realize just how sustainable preparedness must be for us to survive. You need to think farther ahead than just to the limits of your prepping supplies. There is no easy solution – everything depends on everything else. We can’t just pack up and go to a new planet and begin again. Do you really, truly, think God will give us another home after we have thoroughly trashed and destroyed God’s Green Earth. Get with it people – stop thinking just on the short-term (you and your family’s immediate survival) but keep in mind that IF you and your family do NOT get your asses in gear and survive, there will be NO great-g-g-g-g-g-grandson or daughter in your future.

Sustainability now in your life, your soul, and your goods will keep you, your family and your descendants around for a long time. The people of the future will honor and revere you BECAUSE you decided – ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!


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