Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

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Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by Watchman »

This is something I'm interested in but have heard pros and cons, mostly cons -- even from natural health advocates. Please do not make it a commercial link for distillers but a good conversation about the pros and cons of drinking distilled water. You can link to honest studies and articles.
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by bobpick »


Remember how that lady who drank all that water for a WII died? Or the kids on Ectasy that die?? It's called water intoxication. What happens is:

You drink water that has no electrolytes ( like salt or other minerals) to the point that the body runs out of electrolytes. Then, you die. This is why little kids drink Pedialyte when they are vomiting or have diarrhea. If you get a distiller, mix the water with clean tap / filtered water to put some sort of mineral in it.

Can you have a glass a day and be fine? Sure. Can you live off of it?? For about 12 hours.
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by fern »


I had not heard about lack of electrolytes. I have never had a problem using just distilled though. I raised my kids on it too and they are extremely healthy. Perhaps it is simply lack of proper vitamins and minerals? If a woman died from drinking water, then she probably didn't drink much on a regular basis. We were always told to drink half your body weight in ounces per day. Summers I drink much more though. Any other thoughts or experience with distilled?
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by side_job »


Distilled water can have it's advantages. First off, it is clean. If you have a means to distill it then you can remove all the 'harmful' things in the water. BUT, as the other post mentioned you must amend it. If you are admitted to the hospital for observation, they will put an IV in your veins with .09% sodium. That is because you cells require the sodium for a balance with the Potassium. It is necessary for something called cellular respiration. Anyway, If you find a good sea salt, or celtic sea salt, you can simply add about 1/2 tsp per gallon. The sea salt has all the minerals in addition to the sodium. As always, run any salt additions by your Physician, especially if you have high blood pressure. The simplest things in our diet can sometimes be the most dangerous. Distilled water, or even tap water, will kill you if you drink too much.
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by 308gun »

I do know that our navy uses distilled sea water on most ships , but also everyone has lots of other type drinks also , sody, milk, coffee, and ashore all types drinks must make up the extra needs for the body,, bottle mineral water is very big in Europe, also new item are PH balance produces that add all the minerals to your drinking water , The PH balance should be the answer to distilled water ! 308gun :|
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by fern »

I am posting an interesting article on distilled water. I will admit that I became a bit worried about the lack of trace minerals, electrolytes, etc that the posts discussed. I started wondering if my lifetime practice of only using and drinking distilled water was truly unhealthy? I do not like the taste or consistency of undistilled water though and find I will not drink water if traveling and I run out until I can find distilled to purchase. I have tried several days of drinking regular water since joining the forum. I can feel the difference in my body within hours and that heaviness lasts until I get 24 hours of distilled back in me! I believe I will continue to run the risk...if there is one!
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by fern »

I thought this might be interesting for everyone to consider from Dr. Beddoe:

The reason distilled water is recommended is hidden in the definition of the water itself. Do you remember ever having an encounter with very hard water? If you have you will recall how it was almost impossible to get the soap to suds at all. On the other hand, if you have ever experienced very soft water, you will remember how it felt almost impossible to get the soap off your skin. The contrast between the hard and soft water will help us understand how important distilled water is in body chemistry.

Distilled water is classed as a high energy water. This means that the water molecules have very little within them to tie up any of their electromagnetic energy. This allows the water molecules to be closer together—or more concentrated. Thus distilled water is more dense or heavier and a wetter water. This means, among other things, that it will boil at a slightly bit higher temperature than a mineral or harder water.

Hard water, on the other hand, has a high level of mineral carried inside the water molecule so that there is little or no available electromagnetic energy left to bond with other things the water comes into contact with. Therefore, hard water’s molecules are further apart, less dense with lower energy, as well as being considered a dry water.

Naturally softer water can be an OK water, as far as drinking is concerned, but the problem with some natural soft waters is that even though they carry minerals, and do not detract from the electromagnetic energy as much as others, they are nevertheless inferior to distilled because of the lack of potential energy.

Drinking water, containing a large amount of inorganic minerals (whether hard or soft), can be compared to doing your dishes in dirty water. If the water comes in already loaded up, it will not be able to take the debris and waste out of the system without first leaving behind what it brought in.

Distilled water is the water that nature prefers. Rain is water that is distilled without the assistance of man. Fog is distilled water before it is condensed into drops. Glaciers are collections of frozen water that have accumulated over many hundreds and thousands of years. The water came from natures distillation program.

Rain water used to be depended upon for drinking water to a greater extent than it is today around the world. Even though rain water is still used for drinking, in many areas of the world, it is not as pure as it once was because of the great amount of air pollution. One of the most well known long living groups of people in the world are the Hunzas, and they drink glacier water. Glacier water is equivalent to distilled water.

Nature also distills water during all the metabolic functions of the plant. So when you are drinking a fruit juice you are actually drinking water that the plant has distilled and placed organic mineral-sugar complexes within. However, fruit juices cannot take the place of plain distilled water. Juices contain the mineral-sugars that make the body handle the liquid as a food and not as plain water.

Just keep in mind that the use of distilled water is preferred, not because of the lack of mineral so much as, because of the higher energy making it wetter. Distilled water will move through the system, and especially the liver, better than low energy water. Furthermore, your body has to convert the water you drink to your body’s frequency just as it has to do with food energy for it to be usable. Because of this high energy and wetness, distilled water can be converted to the body’s frequency easier than any other type of water.

Your body is 70 to 80 percent water and water is it’s chief catalyst and medium for all the energy reactions that take place in it. Using the higher energy, wetter, distilled water will help assure that all the body’s metabolic environment is at its best hydration and energy levels. Wetter, high energy distilled water will definitely NOT leach calcium and mineral from your body's structures, but it will more efficiently remove the waste mineral salts your body needs to extract for its optimum function.
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by fern »

Another article on water. This one doesn't really go in this category but I am placing it here simply because I hope everyone will reread the post directly above this one again along with this post. Thanks!

Are You Chronically Dehydrated
by Phillip Day - Investigative Journalist & Founder of "The Campaign For Truth In Medicine"
As Featured in Food Matters

"Chronic pains of the body which cannot easily be explained as injury or infection, should first and foremost be interpreted as signals of chronic water shortage in the area where the pain is registered. These pain signals should first be considered and excluded as primary indicators for dehydration of the body before any other complicated procedures are forced on the patient." - Dr F Batmanghelidj

The human body is a bio-electrical water machine that requires a quart a day for every 50 lbs of body weight. The blood alone is made up of a large percentage of watery serum. The lymph fluids which transport waste and nutrients, comprising four times the volume of blood in the body, are made from the water we consume. Every cell that makes us who we are literally owes its life to an adequate supply of fresh, clean water.

When the body does not receive a constant, reliable supply of water, it has to ration what is available and cut back on certain functions to make the supply go round. Essential systems like the brain are prioritized, others are impaired or cut back until the brain has decided a reliable source of water has been garnered.

Here's the rub. Most citizens have become chronically and dangerously dehydrated (especially the elderly), since we decided water was too bland to drink and ignored it in favor of tea, coffee, beer, wine, addictive sodas, flavored water and other chemical-laced water alternatives. A disastrous and dangerous move for the body and society's health in general, to be sure, compounded further since most doctors today cannot readily identify the many water-deficient diseases and associated pains. Thus the underlying dehydration process continues to wreak its havoc while the inevitable drugs given will switch off the warning signals (symptoms).

Consider the following conditions:

* Heartburn,
* arthritis,
* lupus,
* asthma,
* 'high cholesterol',
* high blood pressure,
* heart disease,
* cancer formation,
* hot flushes and menstrual problems,
* obesity,
* allergies,
* bulimia,
* chronic fatigue syndrome,
* ME,
* angina,
* lower back pain,
* gout,
* kidney stones,
* skin disorders,
* diabetes,
* fungal/yeast overgrowth,
* multiple sclerosis,
* migraine headaches,
* general aches and pains,
* morning sickness,
* depression,
* heavy/burdensome periods,
* colitis,
* dyspepsia and
* peptic ulcers...

Are all of these conditions linked to a chronic state of dehydration?
World-renowned water expert Dr Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, in his latest bestseller, Water and Salt - Your Healers From Within, maintains that the above conditions are the body's many cries for water, complaints dramatically improved with a consistent and long-term intake of the fresh, clean water. Dr Batman's timely work has helped thousands quash long-term health problems effortlessly and inexpensively.

He writes: "The report of my having successfully treated with water more than three thousand people with symptoms and clinical signs of peptic ulcer disease was published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology in June 1983. I came away from that experience with the understanding that the people I treated were thirsty, and I uncovered the phenomenon that 'pain' in the body indicates thirst, even though the condition is classified as a disease." Water is used by the body for digestion, detoxifying cells, watering the lungs, lubricating joints, keeping the body alkalized and a host of cleaning duties.

Many warning signals ('symptoms') arise out of the body's inability to neutralize or rid itself of acid, a common enough complaint given the number of antacids sold around the world each day.

'I drink coffee, tea, diet sodas, beer and a host of other liquids. They contain water, don't they?'

This is a common and dangerous misconception. Many of today's designer drinks are diuretic in their effect (water-expelling) because their mostly acidic compositions require the body to give up water and alkalizing minerals to eliminate their harmful residues. Diet sodas especially are harmful in that they require large amounts of body-water to neutralize the phosphoric acid component (2.8 pH). Cells that started off healthy and 'plum-like' shrivel to prunes as water, the stuff of life, is progressively denied them. The sick in our hospitals are fed the sodas, tea and coffee they ask for in woeful ignorance of the damage wrought to the micro cell-world within them.

Batmanghelidj's extraordinary work should rightly be considered by a mainstream medical community ever fixated on the drug cure. Below is a summary of body functions and that rely on an adequate intake of water:

Brain function:
The brain comprises 2% of the body's total weight, yet receives 15-20% of the blood supply, mostly comprised of water. Dehydration will affect cognitive ability drastically, and, through histamine's action, can create depressive states (many anti-depressant medications are anti-histamines).

Bone function:
Bones require plentiful supplies of water. 75% of the weight of the upper body, for instance, is supported by the water core contained within the fifth lumbar disc, the remaining 25% by muscle fibers around the spine.

Nerve function:
Micro-streams exist along the length of nerves which transport nutrients and conduct energy along micro-tubules to the synapses to transmit messages. Dehydration disrupts proper nerve function, resulting in the sensation of pain.

Water, far from being an inert solvent, is intricately involved in the body's water-dependent chemical reactions. Lack of water means incomplete or faulty metabolic processes, with obvious implications for continued health and well-being. Proteins and enzymes, for instance, do not function as well in acidic solutions of higher viscosity (stickiness) where the body is dehydrated.

Cellular energy:
As water is drawn through the cell membrane, its osmotic flow generates a voltage gradient which can be used in the manufacture of ATP and GTP energy. Dehydration will obviously affect the proper functioning of cells and even kill them.

This neurotransmitter plays a major role in activating systems which encourage water intake when dehydration is detected. Functions in the body which consume large quantities of water are cut back, namely the bronchial tubes constricted to cut down on water use in the lungs; increased peristalsis in the bowels to wring more water out of fecal material, and so on. Other signs of histamine's activity, namely allergies, asthma, depression and chronic pains, are interpreted by the physician as 'disease' and treated with anti-histamines, pain-killers (analgesics), etc. Thus the signals of thirst are turned off and the dehydration state continues unabated.

Dyspepsia (heartburn/reflux):
Over time, this can lead to ulceration and even cancer. Dr Batmanghelidj recommends that these conditions - also gastritis and duodenitis - be treated with water alone as they are one of the body's major thirst signals. Arrested in his native Iran by the Revolutionary Council during the troubles of the late 1970's, Dr B was confined to Evin prison, Tehran, during which time he successfully treated with water alone over three thousand people complaining of dyspeptic pain and associated symptoms.

Requires plentiful supplies of water. The stomach relies on mucus lining the walls to shield it from the effects of the stomach's hydrochloric acid. A bicarbonate solution is produced from the cells in the lining which neutralizes any acid attempting to break through the mucus. Water is needed to maintain this effective defense system. Too little water, and the mucus barrier is ineffectual, the acid will penetrate and will lead to pain. Ideally, water should be consumed half an hour before a meal, in time to anticipate the production of digestive acid from glands in the stomach wall.

Often located at the valve between the stomach and duodenum. Said to be caused by curved bacteria known as helicobacters. Yet many people have helicobacters in their small intestine, yet not all of them suffer from ulcers. Histamine-producing nerves are located at this site, which monitor the through-put of acidic food chyme from the stomach into the intestine. Histamine has growth-hormone effects on these micro-organisms, resulting in small intestine bacterial overgrowths (SIBOs). Once again, an adequate regime of water intake will allow all the functions relating to digestion to normalize. Prolonged water intake should therefore be considered before more drastic drug treatments are entered into.
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by 308gun »

that is very interesting , how much water is good , and how about countrys say , France they drink mostly wine, and Germany they drink mostly beer, some drink mineral water , i have also read that too much water adds too much fluids to the body ????? and what type water is best ??? spring or filter ??? I have read you can detox by drinking 1 or 2 glasses per day with some lemon , is good for the liver i am told ???
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by fern »

Water with fresh lemon is very good for detoxing and just for your body over all. Fresh lemon is the only addition to water that will not dehydrate a body. If you drink it all day long everyday though, you would detox heavily. A glass or two a day each day is good. Detoxing is very good to do monthly or annually...the more you ail (flu like symptoms), the more toxins you had stored. Detoxing can run blood sugar down though so if you drink lemon water in any amount, it is good to put a natural organic sweetener in it...just a bit.

Everyone should drink half their body weight in ounces per day. 200 lb person is 100 ounces of water. Of course I believe in only drinking distilled. The stories of distilled harming a body are totally false. If that were the case, my family and I would be dead. My husband even uses it when making coffee. He no longer likes the taste of coffee with spring or tap water.
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by bbj101 »

fern wrote:Water with fresh lemon is very good for detoxing and just for your body over all. Fresh lemon is the only addition to water that will not dehydrate your body. If you drink it all day long everyday though, you would detox heavily. A glass or two a day though is good. Detoxing is very good...the more you ail (flu like symptoms), the more toxins you had stored. Detoxing can run blood sugar down though so if you drink lemon water in any amount, it is good to put a natural organic sweetener in it...just a bit.
Actually from what I learned in my nutrition class back at Cayce, drinking lemon water is a good daily detox. As with any you don't want to over-do it, like my mom said, a few a day is fine, but its actually very good to continue daily. But if you add any sweetener natural or not, it kills the detox effect.

Is anyone interested in detoxes? I know quite a few that I could share.
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by 308gun »

THANKS very much, I think you have hit the nail on the head, I need to drink more water, I am big Coffee and ice tea drinker... this also will help fight lots of stuff .
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by fern »

“Laws are made for the weak more than the strong.” Ben Franklin
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Re: Is Distilled Water Good Or Bad For You?

Post by 308gun »

Thanks , need all the help can get , this morning was bad , almost could not walk , but had to walk the dog , as was cold 29 D. was in lots of pain big time, doctors are no help at all , only want to sell RX. and it's hard to put it together , learn little here and there, slow process ..THANKS a million
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