Chapter VII - Sustainable Preparedness: We Survived On $150 A Month

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Chapter VII - Sustainable Preparedness: We Survived On $150 A Month

Post by Watchman »

Chapter VII – Sustainable Preparedness: We Survived On $150 A Month

Being involved with prepping since before Y2K, I embraced it as a way to insure continuity in our family’s welfare should the need arise – natural, man-made, or supernatural. It didn’t take us long to realize we had been through this already much earlier in our lives. As we were growing up in separate geographical locations we both were part of a family complex that raised their own food. At the time all we could think about was leaving the old homestead for parts unknown and taking part in the world – movies, hamburgers, school, romance, and so on. Living self-sufficiently was NOT a part of our plans.

Moving ahead a couple of years, the male half of our family decided to join the military. What a change of life! Within two years after enlistment, male met female and we were married. Of course it goes without saying that we didn’t think one second on whether we could afford it or not. Male goes back to his base after the wedding and this imposing 6-striped First Sergeant told him he was going overseas to an island in the Caribbean. Dang!

We headed out within 4 months and arrived at the tropical paradise. Our first priority was to find a home but what the heck could a 2-striper do with $150 a month? We were lucky and found a house for $60 a month and about $40 more for electricity and water. That left us $50 for everything else. Then God blessed us with a child (no, we did not think whether we could afford one or not). When Number 1 son arrives we are still at the point f trying to survive on $150 a month. In those days there was no fancy, nutritious, canned baby formula. Our son grew up on canned Carnation and Pet milk. We were able to eke out a couple of boxes of baby cereal to mix with his milk. He made out okay. His first solid food was rice and beans when we could afford it. Mom and Dad ate catsup sandwiches and would go down to the beach and pick up coconuts to take home. We ate the coconut meat and baby had some of the juice. Sometimes we were able to supplement our diet with wild-picked avocados and other tropical fruit. We were always broke, poor and happy. Wait a minute, happy shouldn’t be in there should it? Damn right. The “Have More” society had not poisoned us yet and we loved it.

Now you’re probably wondering what this has to do with prepping and survival. Everything! It isn’t what you have but how you use it and your mindset. Remember that God gives you what you need but you have to be wide-awake to recognize it.

No regrets --- EVER --- about prepping. We fished, foraged, froze, dried, canned and when old pandemic showed it’s face, we thrived in ways we never imagined in the first half of our life. God provides, always, but people have to get off their asses and do something for themselves to be able to meet any possible future crises.

That may not happen because we are composed of a population of “gimme and take”. Those who think for themselves (preppers and self-reliant folks) are looked upon as anti-establishment bigots which is more bullshit and propaganda. Don’t be fooled by this crap, prepping and self-reliance are more necessary than ever because the United States government is broke, busted.

Get off the couch and join us and learn things that will help you cope with the collapse that will be coming. Remember the old Bill Swann song “I Can Help”. We can help too.

We teach, you learn – you teach, we learn. There it is, a “Mutual Admiration Society”. We will never try to sell you anything, we won't spam you, we don't "play soldier", will respect your intellect and your privacy and treat YOU with respect.


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