Chapter V - Sustainable Preparedness: Make A Decision Now and Not Suffer Later

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Chapter V - Sustainable Preparedness: Make A Decision Now and Not Suffer Later

Post by Watchman »

Chapter V - Sustainable Preparedness: Make A Decision Now and Not Suffer Later

Preparedness is a state-of-mind that something may or may not be just right in your surroundings or your plans and aspirations for yourself and your family's future. It may not be concrete (that is called paranoia in some instances) and you can't quite lay your finger on it but you sense it is there. My signature here on this forum says 'you might be paranoid but that doesn't mean you are wrong'. Try to take these feelings in small doses, one step or one day at a time and be safe rather than sorry.

The very first thing you must do is decide IF you want to be knowledgeable and proficient in aspects of preparedness. This is going to take a lot of work, gathering of knowledge and retraining, and most important, getting your immediate (housemate) family members on board. The whole idea of changing your mindset is daunting and you will be POd or frustrated more than once.

Begin by giving up all aspects of “prepping” that you learned on television or in the movies or on fancy websites that are loaded with nice things you can buy. These shows are filled with wannabes (or actors) who hop around and play soldier. You need to start from the ground up and stay focused on achieving personal and familial safety and security – physical, nutritional, mental, moral, spiritual, and long-term. If you don’t meld these into a strong, functioning operation you will eventually expose a weak point where outsiders will take your bacon!

The first task on your list (and continuing forever) is TELL NO ONE outside of your live-in family of your preparation efforts. Many years ago I learned of (what I call) ‘The Rule of 7” while working as a retail store manager. In retail this was a double-edged sword. One good, satisfied customer usually told at least 7 other people what great service he got at ( ). Imagine, 7 new customers! Then there was the butt-breath you could not stand who went away pissed off and then he told 7 of his acquaintances and you lost at least 7 customers.

The same rule applies to preparedness. If you tell a mouthy brother-in-law (who doesn’t believe in prepping to begin with) that dunce will tell his friends and sooner or later, you will be known as eccentric and your cover will be blown and you and your family’s safety will be in danger. Walk quietly and carry the big stick of privacy. The blabber-mouth brother-in-law and his cohorts will be the ones who show up on your doorstep in the event of a meltdown. I’ll say this only one time – when they appear on your doorstep demanding (yes, they will demand) for you to feed them), eventually you will have to choose who to feed – your family or lazy, half-asses. The choice is yours.

This is a short one - make a decision.


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